Moving on is a bitch..

Few years back, moving on from a relationship that lasted for 5-6 years nearly had wrecked the soul inside. But 6 months in alcohol and marijuana revealed that not only its imprudent and dumb but of no worth at all. The mind plays puzzles and you are entombed in the vicious circle of doleful games and choked with grief. Relationships work and sometimes they don’t. And when they end, we are not able to measure the life and breaths that awaits us ahead. Well, sure it happens since we are humans. But on the contrary, I would term myself as a realist. I feel pain and there was a time I cried too but then I realized it is all bullshit. Love is a choice, not something written in destiny. First love or last love do not exist. It is about choosing the imperfect person who is perfect for you and spending the rest of your life with that person. Feelings develop and may reach a point where you commit everything to that person. But one should remember that feelings one day may go up and down, one should not lose faith in love or in oneself. You are perfect for someone with all the imperfections. People may change during the course of time, the key is to accept the change. Tolerance is the lever which can help two souls sail together in this sea called life.

It is really hard to move on but every beautiful thing in life is hard. Accepting it and enjoying every moment can help you, really! Mind plays a lot of games but at the end of the day it is yours, right? You need to control the thoughts which is one hell of a task but trust me it will help you. You are awesome. I mean it. We all have an attitude and usually show it off to others. It should be saved for the mind. When life gives you lemons, drink it with a tequila. It is a ghissi pitti (Weird and outdated) line, I know, but also true! So, tell me what is wrong in moving on. Things did not go well, part of life. You really wanna cry about it whole life? Wrong option! Get up and out of that notion. Find a reason to smile and to be happy.

One of my favorite line from Kung Fu Panda 2 is You gotta let go o f that stuff from the past ’cause it just doesn’t matter! The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now.

Past is gone, it will not come back. And to be honest, don’t let it come back on you..

Think about it!!

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Selfie lete hai..

Last year a new term got added to the urban dictionary, Selfie. Its become a phenomenon lately. All those polaroid pictures and all those, sir can you please take our picture has gone for a toss. I miss those times when we used to ask people around for taking pictures. Now we just click. They invented a freaking selfie stick too. This shows how our friends have got busy. We used to make plans with friends and go out for a beer or food. Now i see many people alone like me sitting in the downtown bar having beer and clicking selfies. I still need to get along with this phenomenon. This also means we are more independent now. We can go out even if friends are busy. Capture our deeds and share them with the world. This has changed the photography world. We can fall of a plane, stand on top of statue in brazil, mount everest, roller coaster and click pictures. Instagram and snapchat have earned the most in last few years.

This means we are more out going and go getters. However the only loss is we can’t share those moments with friends. Everything has a pro and con. Selfie has its own share. But i see the advantages since at my age, most of the friends are married or having children. A nomad like me, sits in a bar, have beer, smoke and just chill with other single people.

Not bad, eh! 🙂

Think about it….

Liquer – the elixir of mind! ;)

Last night was my 39th night of deliverance! Have been drinking every night now! Alcohol is a very good option to rejuvenate when you have no option to remove stress! I know its not the ultimate solution but it surely helps you to find one. Looking at the various brands tried so far, a fair description os what to drink when. Here it goes!

Let’s start with whiskey, it is a drink which should be taken when you are in a lounge or wanna relax with friends and family. It is kind of drink for age group above 25, mature minds who know how to handle the drinks. It should be taken slowly. This can include malts, scotch or bourbon Vodka is second on my list, its said to be a girl’s drink and besides its side effect on men, which is myth, else russians will never could have babies, is a drink to get spoiled on. The next will be champagne or wine! Now we all know when to drink that and few others! So skipping to last!

Shots shots shots! The drinks that are for freaks! Total screwing up to get wasted instantly! Should be done at parties which have high octane energy pumped up! Or if you wanna get laid pretty quick! Yeah exactly!

Go on… Think about it.. 😉

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