Inclination and Hypocrites!

Disclaimer – This blog maybe against your views. But still, try to read it with an open mind if you can. Extreme of everything is wrong! Else we will kill this planet! And that will mark our extinction! Today, it is all about individualism. My ideas, my rights, my privilege, my growth, my money, my power, my, me and mine!


Question – Would you rather have a broad mind or narrow mind? In the age of internet and globalization, when you want to have the best car, best clothes, latest smartphone, a job in a fancy company – you cannot be narrow minded, right? Because you want equal right as others to have a chance to claim all of that. However, you can be labelled a hypocrite if you want equality in jobs, finances, decision making, choices in life, but at the same time, you prevent the same from others.

When humans need to stand together and fight a common enemy today, the ones who never could grow up or broaden their mental faculties have started abusing the ones who want equality for all. This equality is not for just religion but gender, caste, creed, race, color and political inclination. Unfortunately, some exist among us who think they are above others. They might have had a difficult childhood where they were encouraged to keep their thoughts to themselves, or might have been bullied in young age, because now with the power of internet and smartphones, everyone is sharing their views which is not wrong, but we have forgotten that everyone has the same rights. You are not above or below anybody. Sharing your views is one thing, but abusing someone else to have a different view is absolute bullshit!

If others respect your thoughts, your selections, and haven’t abused you or called you names, even you don’t have the right to do the same to others. Now, there’s this woman in my friend list who posts pictures in which liberals and others are being abused because they don’t support her ideology. She is also the one who wants equality in various fields and wants her personal freedom to be maintained.

Isn’t that hypocrisy? Isn’t that selective or pseudo-liberalism?

People talk about freedom of speech and expression but forget that it is the essences of a liberal democracy. Having said that, I have nowhere mentioned that one religion or one caste should be favored above the other. Rules should be the same for everyone. If you are opening the gates of a temple for women or dalits which were closed till now, same should be done for mosques, churches, etc., if they are closed.

There is a thin line between democracy and an authoritarian government. It is the choice of citizens, and their tolerance and compassion.

If you disagree with someone, at least listen to him/her. Rest is your decision. you don’t have to follow. But you also cannot abuse someone based on their thoughts.

Simple definition of a Liberal – (According to Cambridge)

  1. believing in or allowing a lot of personal freedom, and believing that society should change gradually so that moneyproperty, and power are shared more fairly.
  2. someone who respects many different types of beliefs or behaviour.

Every religion teaches us that everyone including animals is equal. But it seems that we have forgotten. Christians will never progress because of some of their unorthodox thinking, Islam has their own issues with accepting changes, sikhism, parsi, jainism, biddhists, all have some or the other stuff that don’t make them progressive on the other hand Hinduism which was supposed to be an open and progressive religion is being radicalized and term hindutva is being shared and people being brainwashed.

Extreme of everything is wrong! Else we will kill this planet! And that will mark our extinction!

Now, according to the Vedas, Vedic society was not only one of the advanced civilizations of the world, but also one of the most open, liberal, and egalitarian (a person who advocates or supports the principle of equality for all people) ones.

“He who does not seek to kill, cause pain, or tie up living creatures and desires the good of all attains everlasting bliss of liberation.” (Manu Smriti, 5.46) “Having no ill feeling for any living being, in all manners possible and for all times, is called ahimsa, and it should be the desired goal of all seekers.” (Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, 2.30)

According to the verses in Vedas,

  • One is my brother and the other is not – is the thinking of a narrow-minded person. For those who are broad-minded, liberals, or noble people, the entire world is one big family.
  • No one is superior, none inferior. All are brothers marching forward to prosperity.
  • Ahimsa Paramo Dharma, meaning the very first duty, ethic, and responsibility of mankind above all duties, ethics, and responsibilities are to maintain non-violence and peace in the world.
  • Truth is One, the wise call it by different names.
  • Let noble ideas come to us from all directions.
  • May all beings be free of sorrow.
  • Awakened souls act and go about in the world, not for their own sake, but for the welfare and wellbeing of everyone else.
  • The knower of Self begins to own the joy as well as the suffering of other beings (humans, animals, and plants) as his own.

Reference –

Think about it!

A dangerous species called Human

It’s been raining since couple of hours now, sitting outside with cigarette and thinking about Orlando and Paris attacks. And actually all the attacks lately happening across the globe along with crimes.
What is the root cause of this issue? Humans. Not a eureka moment, I know but why?


Is it just religion? Nope. Above religion there is a very powerful thing. That’s called Money.

And not just hard money but soft one too. Here I mention soft money as things like showing off assets, social status, etc..

Money & Religion – Two things for which we have gone insane and become retards.

Funny shit is, both were made for humans but it seems now that we were made for these fucking things.

The money has created this social divide which has grown so apart it cannot be filled up. Rich will be richer and poor will be poorer. No economic policy or reform can correct it now. Some countries will flourish and others will definitely perish. Human organ trade, trafficking, slaves, etc .. are all outcomes of this divide.

But how will this earth continue to function and how will money flow?
Here comes religion into picture.
I want to make sure that you do not get me wrong in next few lines. Religion is not evil, it is human who is flawed.

So to keep the channels open, come few humans who, in the name of religion don’t give hope but create an illusion in the mind of the poor that it’s the rich who is taking away everythig from them. For this they need to strike.

For example, a BMW stops on the road, few people showing off the money, step out and unable to tackle the sun, try to find their AC rooms. Watching this are few poor guys who spend whole day in the sun. This guy wants the same things and all the money but since he lacks either skill or opportunity or a rich father/mother. So what happens? This frustration leads him on the path of evil. Yes, humans are that sick.

90% of the crimes in the world are based on this divide and perks of having money. Psychology of the human brain is complex yet simple.
Everyone is selfish.

On the other hand, religious outfits (radical humans) tend to use this divide to expand it further. They exploit the minds and get things done. Those who don’t know shit about their religion begin to fall prey.

What is the solution? None.
There is no solution to this. Because whatever I say will have no effect on you. Like this rain. It will pass in few more minutes and you will be back to what you were doing.

I am amazed you even reached this point and still reading. Coz poor won’t be able to read this. You might come on the rich side. Hence you will not change.

Go on, head to that club or spend huge amounts of money on religion. Don’t dare give it to some good cause because the gap should be more apart.


Think about it…. .


More than BABAs’ and MAAs’

Disclaimer – Whatever you are going to read below is not meant to harm any one individual. It is not against anyone and it is my personal view. Don’t kill me for my views!!

It is that phase of life when you are busy with balancing professional and personal life. When you leave early for office and reach home late. Personal life is restricted to weekends, sometimes that too is questionable. Finding peace is difficult than finding fanny. And Alice! who the f**k is Alice becomes Life! What the F**K is life?

During this phase, and on a particular day, I sat on my Enfield by the road side and thought about how we are finding spirituality and peace through self-proclaimed BABAs and MAAs.
Someone is in Jail, someone is making movies, someone is in the process of going to Jail but is releasing videos of dancing around and others! Well others are either dead or on still around.

The real question I want to ask here is, what have we learnt from them? Are we more spiritual? Are we more tolerant? Are we more compassionate towards other humans.
If going to Guruji’s ashram or putting Guruji sticker on the car or getting the name tattooed doesn’t make you “Human”, what the hell are you doing in your life? This is an insult to the person whom you are following and to yourself. When was the last time you helped some stranger? Or did something for the society you live in?

I meet a lot of people in my daily life and observe a lot of people, I do not see any change. The followers seem to forget that real respect for your gurus is not in putting stickers or their photos in your rooms. It is about implementing those ideas in your life and be more passionate and tolerant. If you are not growing spiritually, what is the point of following someone. You are just a flaw.
A lot has changed during these years in India, what we wear, how we party, how we show off, our personalities, how we live, how much money we have and how we use it, the only thing that has not changed is, we refuse to grow our brains. We refuse to accept that everyone is equal. A guy who has a Jaguar may not show respect to a Pulsar guy. They will keep honking at each other on the road trying to literally kill each other on the road yet it’s amusing to see both having Guruji stickers on their vehicles.

Then we have art of living people, Osho people, Asaram followers, MSG followers, Radhe Maa followers, etc.. (I am sorry if I missed your name here, but get the pun).

We have so many Gurus around and the count of followers is in millions, yet we cannot live a simple life. Yet we are not satisfied with what we have and yet we try to choose the evil’s path to achieved all our desires. We are just not satisfied.

Every religion teaches us to love every human and treat everyone equally. If you can’t do that, you are a shame on that religion.

I personally respect all religions and sects but I refuse to follow anyone. Just because, I know I am not perfect but atleast I have a conscience on how to grow spiritually. Yes, I get frustrated! Yes, I abuse when I am frustrated but I know my limits and when to stop.

Get the hell out of that shell or bubble you live in! If you are a follower, follow the teachings and ideas, not the individual or a trend. Have some conscience and don’t harm anyone intentionally.

In the end, everyone dies.

Think about it!!

Acid on God’s face

There was a time when people were scared maybe of no one but god. Be it any religion. Accept it, everyone used visit temples, mosques, gurudwaras, churches, etc. to seek salvation and purify themselves for any wrong deed committed. But since couple of years, I don’t think we any longer have fear of God! Yes, many scriptures and text say that we should not fear god since he is our guide and our friend. I guess we have taken it too seriously. Every day we commit a wrong deed/crime and we seek salvation. We spend crores of money for our salvation but not once for the ones who need it. Similarly, every religion’s text says that we should love each other and live in harmony. Are we actually doing that? I ask!

Fucking no! Hell no! What the hell are we doing? Even animals are much more civilized than us. Every day we hear about the acid attacks on women. Majority of these cases are of people in love be it one sided or a failed love. I mean what is the definition of love? Should it be demanded or forced? There was a time when love meant care and compassion. If your mother loves you less than your brother, will you throw acid on her? There is no statistics or analysis which can show us the cases of acid attacks in India. Only thing which is there is the AFSI which has posted recent data but since previous years data is not available it is hard to confirm on the numbers of cases. Durga Prasad Shukla, a member of NGO Chhanv, said “Government data shows that there were 60 cases of acid attacks in the last two years but, according to our own survey, we found the number to be close to 256,”

There was a report in TOI in January this year. Government data on acid attacks point to patriarchal societies such as UP, Delhi, Punjab and Haryana—among states with worst sex ratios—accounting for most number of victims while those with greater role for women, such as the Northeast, having negligible number of such attacks. The data, collected for 2010, 2011 and 2012, assume significance in the light of the December 3 Supreme Court order, directing all states and union territories to frame rules on acid sale by March this year. While a total of 57 cases with 65 victims were recorded in 2010, in 2012 the figure jumped to 85 cases with 101 victims. Delhi, UP, Punjab, Haryana and Bihar together accounted for 53% of all victims. In fact, Delhi (31 victims) and UP (39 victims) alone accounted for 27% of all victims (264) in the country between 2010 and 2012.

New laws, ban of sale of acid, etc can only reduce this number. Those who have lost their mental state will find a new way in future. One should realize that a failed relationship or a girl saying no is not a slap on your ego. It is just a fucking simple “No”. If you are not scared of law, be afraid of your god.

If as an atheist, I can understand the nature of this universe, you too can right? But you don’t want to accept anything. Power and Money are two main factors we are fighting for but we forget that compassion and love are bigger and valuable assets. I am not saying or asking you to live in poverty and succumb to someone’s power. I am just asking you to be wise and give a thought. If anyone says anything about your god, you are ready to burn down the whole town but at the end you are also ready to burn a face without thinking what your god will say once you are done in this world….

Stop being an ass and accept the truth!

Think about it!!

What are we becoming?

*Sent from WordPress on Blackberry*

Eternal Peace of Soul..

In order to find peace, we must close our eyes and look within because that is the place where we will find it.. We must ignore all the thorns and colors of external factors since they will affect us physicaly only but the key factor is lying inside.


Who or What and Where is God?

Trying to define God is no easy task. Still, it is possible to get a pretty good picture of who God is, what God is and where God is.

Why can we get a pretty good picture?

It is because God has revealed so much about himself in nature and in written documents.

It is possible to get to know enough about God and the kind of being that He is, so that we can actually have an unshakeable faith in Him. We get to know enough about Him so that we can become His friend and He can become our best friend through thick and thin now and into a glorious future. We can get to know enough about Him so that we can “see” the invisible.

No, we do not know or understand everything about God and we never will, as He is beyond understanding. He will continue to reveal things about Himself into eternity and that will add to the excitement and pleasure of living forever.

There are many gods or mighty ones. Some of these gods are real and some are fictitious or merely viewed as gods. However, there is only one True God, meaning there is only one that is in that category and He is superior to all. He can be called the Supreme God, the Almighty, the Most High, the Creator and by many other titles. Each title describes a different aspect of God.

The book that tells us about the True God is called the Holy Bible. In reality it is not a book but a collection of sixty-six books. The Holy Bible is also the world’s best seller by far. It has had a large influence in human history. It describes itself as being alive. (See Hebrews 4:12)

The Bible reveals his name, what He has done, and how He relates to humans. He tells us about the past, the present and the future.

So, who is God? His name is YHWH (Yahweh, Jehovah). His name appears in the Holy Bible nearly 7000 times. He is the Creator of all things, the things that are visible (material, physical) and the things that are invisible (invisible spirit creatures).

What is God? The Bible says that God is a Spirit. What is a Spirit? We can only guess as we don’t have much information on that yet.

Where is God? God is in a place called “heavens.” We don’t have much concrete information as to what heavens are either, at this time.

To know more about who is God, what is God and where God is; please do your best to inherit everlasting life, for in time more details will be made known to us by God.