A dangerous species called Human

It’s been raining since couple of hours now, sitting outside with cigarette and thinking about Orlando and Paris attacks. And actually all the attacks lately happening across the globe along with crimes.
What is the root cause of this issue? Humans. Not a eureka moment, I know but why?


Is it just religion? Nope. Above religion there is a very powerful thing. That’s called Money.

And not just hard money but soft one too. Here I mention soft money as things like showing off assets, social status, etc..

Money & Religion – Two things for which we have gone insane and become retards.

Funny shit is, both were made for humans but it seems now that we were made for these fucking things.

The money has created this social divide which has grown so apart it cannot be filled up. Rich will be richer and poor will be poorer. No economic policy or reform can correct it now. Some countries will flourish and others will definitely perish. Human organ trade, trafficking, slaves, etc .. are all outcomes of this divide.

But how will this earth continue to function and how will money flow?
Here comes religion into picture.
I want to make sure that you do not get me wrong in next few lines. Religion is not evil, it is human who is flawed.

So to keep the channels open, come few humans who, in the name of religion don’t give hope but create an illusion in the mind of the poor that it’s the rich who is taking away everythig from them. For this they need to strike.

For example, a BMW stops on the road, few people showing off the money, step out and unable to tackle the sun, try to find their AC rooms. Watching this are few poor guys who spend whole day in the sun. This guy wants the same things and all the money but since he lacks either skill or opportunity or a rich father/mother. So what happens? This frustration leads him on the path of evil. Yes, humans are that sick.

90% of the crimes in the world are based on this divide and perks of having money. Psychology of the human brain is complex yet simple.
Everyone is selfish.

On the other hand, religious outfits (radical humans) tend to use this divide to expand it further. They exploit the minds and get things done. Those who don’t know shit about their religion begin to fall prey.

What is the solution? None.
There is no solution to this. Because whatever I say will have no effect on you. Like this rain. It will pass in few more minutes and you will be back to what you were doing.

I am amazed you even reached this point and still reading. Coz poor won’t be able to read this. You might come on the rich side. Hence you will not change.

Go on, head to that club or spend huge amounts of money on religion. Don’t dare give it to some good cause because the gap should be more apart.


Think about it…. .
